Dr Samantha Wettasinghe has a comprehensive range of surgeries she is fully trained and credentialled to perform at Grace Hospital, some of which are listed below:
For heavy bleeding or post menopausal bleeding:
- Endometrial ablation with Novasure or Cavatherm
- Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
- Myomectomy ( open or laparoscopic)
- Hysteroscopy
- with removal of polyps
- with curettage
- with resection of submucosal fibroids
- with mirena insertion
Repairs for vaginal prolapse
- Anterior colporrhaphy (to fix a anterior prolapse)
- Posterior colporrhaphy ( to fix a posterior prolapse)
- Sacrospinous fixation
- colporrhaphy procedures with or without vaginal hysterectomy
- Repeat vaginal repair without use of mesh
For pain and endometriosis
- Laparoscopic resection and ablation of endometriosis
- Laparoscopic adhesiolysis
- Microlaparoscopy
- Cystoscopy for interstitial cystitis
For ovaries
- Removal of ovarian cysts, dermoids & endometriomas
- Removal of ovaries/fallopian tubes ( salpingo-oophorectomy)
- Ovarian drilling for PCOS
- Correction of ovarian torsion and oophoropexy
For fertility/sterility
- Laparoscopic tubal dye studies for fallopian tube patency
- Diagnostic Hysteroscopy to investigate uterine cavity
- Diagnostic laparoscopy for the pelvis with endometriosis treatment
- Laparoscopic adhesiolysis
- Tubal ligation
- Bilateral Salpingectomy ( removal of fallopian tubes )
Vulval procedures
- Bartholins gland marsupialisation
- Incision and drainage of abcesses (vulval, vaginal, labial, clitoral)
- Perineal revision
- Fentons procedure
- Hymenectomy